Thursday, December 23, 2010

Google NGrams

Hi teachers-

I'm really, really excited about this new tool from Google.  Google NGrams allows you to search trends of words appearing in a database of 5.2 billion words from all of the millions of books Google has in its digitized Google Books catalog.  It's a very interesting tool in that it's a window into people's thoughts over the past 500 years.  I can only begin to imagine the new research opportunities available to students.  The discussions that you could generate with this tool are limitless.  Check the tool out here, and see below for a few examples.


This should be a really fun thing to play with over Christmas.  Let me know how you're using it in your classroom.  And keep those success stories coming in!  I'll post them after break.

Thanks, and have a great break,

Friday, December 17, 2010

What Kind of Person Are You?

I know many of you like Dan Pink and his works... if you're not familiar with him, I highly recommend reading A Whole New Mind, his book on right-brain thinking and Drive, a fascinating study in what motivates people and what doesn't-- especially useful for teachers.  In the meantime, check out this short end-of-year self-reflection guide:

Also see relevant Dan Pink info on

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Expository Writing Article

Check out this series of questions and answers regarding expository writing.  If you can't read it well, click here and download the file from the bottom of the screen under "attacnhments." Thanks to Dennis for this one....